Executive Summary

Your assessment scores are based on the 5 Best Practices listed below as well as Awareness of Best Practice, Execution of Best Practice, and the Achievement of Business Value from Best Practice Compliance.

Process Management



Communications Management



Risk Management



Quality Management



Process Metrics Collection



Relative IT Project Management Maturity Results

This section shows the scores of all respondents per Best Practice area compared to your assessment scores.
The highest possible score for each area is 20 points.

Awareness and Execution

Improving your Awareness will improve Execution.

Business Value and Execution

Increasing the Execution of best practices will improve Business Value.

Business Value and Awareness

Increasing the Awareness of best practices will improve Business Value.

Value Realization Maturity (out of 20 points)
Best Practice Maturity (out of 20 points)

Assessment Details

The bars represent the percentage of respondents with each response.

Q1: Does your organization have a standard project management methodology?

Your Answer: @answers[0]


Q2: Does your organization have a formal project communication process that solicits input from all stakeholders?

Your Answer: @answers[1]


Q3: Has your organization identified the key metrics that monitor current performance and predict likely future performance?

Your Answer: @answers[2]


Q4: Does your organization have a documented project risk identification, assessment and mitigation process?

Your Answer: @answers[3]


Q5: Does your organization have a formal quality review process for all project deliverables?

Your Answer: @answers[4]


Q6: To what extent is your standard project management methodology used in all projects?

Your Answer: @answers[5]


Q7: On what percentage of projects do all project team members and stakeholders use formal project communication process?

Your Answer: @answers[6]


Q8: Does your organization collect, review and react to project metrics?

Your Answer: @answers[7]


Q9: On what percentage of your projects does your organization execute a formal and consistent risk management approach?

Your Answer: @answers[8]


Q10: What percentage of your projects have consistent quality assurance processes in place?

Your Answer: @answers[9]


Q11: On what percentage of your projects would you agree that the discipline of standard project management process contributed to the success of the project?

Your Answer: @answers[10]


Q12: To what extent do your organization's communication process contribute to project success?

Your Answer: @answers[11]


Q13: Does your company realize business value from using metrics to manage projects?

Your Answer: @answers[12]


Q14: How frequently does your organization's risk management process identify and mitigate project risks that would impact project schedule, scope or cost?

Your Answer: @answers[13]


Q15: Does your organization's quality assurance process create high quality results valued by the business sponsor?

Your Answer: @answers[14]